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The annual sports project My Win with the support of the Private Foundation Champ1on has announced the start of the summer season 2021!

CHAMP1ON Charitable Foundation

Gives summer as a gift and announces the recruitment of children from 10-16 years old from low-income families of orphanages and correctional boarding schools to the MyWin sports project for three months of training! June July August! At the end of the project, a triathlon championship will be held , everyone will be awarded with prizes and gifts ! The best are selected for the My Win team!

Project Program
✅ Workout 3 times a week
✅ Provision of halls, swimming pools
✅ Nutrition

Contact us by phone ☎ ️
+77752266221 Yevgeniy
+77051602332 Alexander
+77077988806 Dmitriy


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